Victoria (Liverpool) All Breeds Training Club
Trainer profiles and assistants
Victoria ABTC has a wealth of experience and knowledge, gained through courses, practical experience and also from our clients! We offer training that is based on rewarding your dog to increase the desired behaviour, punitive methods are never used. Below are some of the individuals that play a critical part in the running of the club.
Hi, I currently have two dogs, a crossbreed, and a Chinese Crested, both were rehomed from the Dogs Trust. I first attended Victoria as a client in 1996 with another two rescue dogs who went on to compete at obedience competitions and gained their KC Good Citizen awards. I have competed at flyball and agility with previous dogs, and my present two enjoy all aspects of training.
I have a psychology degree and teaching qualification as well as a background in management, and have been self employed for the last 15 years.
I have always had a dog, and as a child attempted training following books and the dictates of Barbara Woodhouse! My first experience of formal dog training was in the 1980s when I attended a nightschool class with a Beagle.... I'm glad to say that over the years I have learned from the many different methods that where in vogue, and now appreciate the development of scientifically based training methods. I strive to maintain a commitment to Continuing Professional Development through attending courses and seminars as well as reading current authors.
I am a former member of the APDT (UK), and follow their principles of kind, fair, effective training methods.
I currently have a lovely ‘Staffordshire Bull Terrier’ which has achieved the KC Good Citizen Gold Award. I first attended the club as a client, but after a few years I was asked to help the main class which I enjoyed immensely, and now regularly take the main lessons.
My background: I have a degree in psychology and love the behaviourist perspective, this showed a lot of evidence for the benefits of reinforcement and this is crucial when training dogs.
I have over 10 years knowledge of training dogs, with experience of clicker training, distance control, agility, fly-ball and the Psychology of dogs and clients (energy levels to control the environment). My personal aim is the development of dogs in a healthy environment, with a clear structure that is based on the expectations of the clients, and abilities of their dogs.
Courses that I have attended and achieved a pass:
APDT Advanced Instructor’s course
Kennel Club Sustainable Canine Seminar
Canine First Aid Workshop
Dog law
IMDT (The exercises Courses)
Hi I am Beverley.
I have been around dogs since I was born having had a number of different breeds, Golden Retrievers, Pekinese, Afghan Hound, Heinz 57 and now Working Type English Springer Spaniels.
Since marrying David and moving to Liverpool with my ESS Skye who was bomb proof, we were graced with ESS Amber after we lost Skye. Amber was very head strong in many ways and it was her that “taught us a lot”, because we had to try different training methods until we had success with her, which proved one training method does not suit all dogs.
We went to puppy training, gundog training, moving to Agility comps and Flyball, so gained experience and knowledge in a number of disciplines.
We now have two Springer Spaniels Breeze and Summer who are involved in basic obedience, agility, scent work and gundog type training and keep us active.